The youth of today !

Josh Kelly replied to your comment on Future Bridport‘s photo.
Josh wrote: “All our homes have been built where badgers once lived. We extract oil and burn fossil fuel, we rip up woodlands for plantations. But of course, not many people see this. They see a petrol station and bananas on the shelves… let’s not start worrying about the badgers and birds now. Traffic – well, would everyone be on the road at once? If all of a sudden 1000 cars pulled out at once… there would be slight delays. But my argument is simple, wake up 10 minutes earlier and leave 10 minutes earlier. Also on a top level, there are too many old drivers in this town who are a major hazard. Stricter ruling on driving after 70 is required. That would take a load of the traffic off the roads of Bridport. Also, lets build a cycle path from Vearse, through Skilling and Plottingham to gain access to town. You all seem to think this has never been done before. But it has in areas where there are more restrictions but they have managed it. I know people who live within 1 mile of the town centre and drive there! Fair enough if you are needing heavy items, but going to the post office shouldn’t warrant that. I would hope young people who are fit an healthy snap these homes up and walk into town. So looking at traffic, a lot will be sorted if people weren’t so lazy and perhaps altered there routine slightly to cope with it. So as a community we can solve traffic easily”

WDDC cancel petition submission; Vearse Farm !!

ADVEARSE have just received a letter from Matt Prosser, Chief Executive at the WDDC. It details in part that……

“…..In conclusion therefore, the petition will not be discussed by the full Council [on the 8th January, 2015]as the matter raised is one that has already been able to go through a separate investigation process through the public examination into the whole plan. The inspector will consider all of the evidence thoroughly before reaching his conclusions on whether the plan is sound.

The full text can be supplied if requested.

ADVEARSE will be contacting the local media to convey their dissatisfaction on this infringement of the democratic process.

BBC News South; Bridport development plans revealed as part of local plan

Sketches of a development plan proposed for an area of outstanding natural beauty have been released.

Hallam Land Management submitted the designs as part of discussions surrounding a local plan for West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland.

The plans show drawings for a development of up to 760 new homes to the west of Bridport at Vearse Farm.

A campaign group, Advearse, has collected thousands of signatures opposing the idea.

See link….


Meeting with Inspector, this Thursday 4th December !

A 1,400 signature petition will be deposited with WDDC indicating our objection to the development at Vearse Farm, at 9.30 am, prior to the meeting.

This precedes the meeting with the Inspector at South Parks House , Dorchester on this Thursday 4th December at 10.00 am.

If you would like to attend as an audience member then please come along. There is no registration required !




The Hearings will take place in Committee Rooms A & B, West Dorset District Council Offices, South Walks House, South Walks Road, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1UZ

The sitting times are Tuesday to Thursday from 10am-1pm and from 2pm-5pm and on Friday from 10am to 1pm.

Details of the Draft Programme showing the Matters and Issues identified for discussion by the Inspector and Guidance Notes explaining the Examination process are available to download online at Draft Examination Programme   in…..


Refer to Matter 11 for viewing submissions !

Campaign Site