NHS-health fears over Vearse Farm development

Recently, (2nd June) the NHS have conveyed their concerns in the Bridport News. They imply there will be a detrimental impact on current health services.

Bridport Medical Centre currently has 18,000 residents on its books. If Vearse Farm were to go ahead, this could increase by ….”3,200 more patients”…according to our Town Mayor Ros Kayes .

A positive upshot of this, is the requirement to continue the use of Bridport Hospital.

The lack of GP recruitment in our area is still a major issue.

The director of Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Dr. Steve Tomkins, has requested that “as part of any Section 106 agreement, that a financial contribution is provided to fund additional NHS infrastructure”.

To date, objections still stand from the Environmental Agency and Dorset County Council’s Highway Authority on the outline plan submitted by Hallam Land Group/ Savills, the appointed developer of the Vearse Farm build. It is understood that this planning application will be reviewed for a second time, by WDDC during October 2016.

Vision 2030 roadshow 18th June 2016


The Neighbourhood Plan (Vision 2030) working groups will be in attendance at the 2016 Food and Beer Festival at Askers Meadow, Bridport this Saturday (18th June). There will be an opportunity to complete a questionnaire and receive an information leaflet on latest developments.

You are invited to come and talk to them about the emerging Neighbourhood Plan.

Other 2016 dates and venues where they will be in attendance, are……….

Bucky Doo Square, Bridport (alternate Saturdays; TBA)

Bothenhampton Fete; 16th July

Symondsbury Flower Show; 7th August

Melplash Show; 25th August

Symondsbury Show; 28th August


Stalemate continues…

ADVEARSE can see no way Hallam can counter DCCs objections or how the proposal complies with this part of the Local Plan :

Reliance on the B3162 alone will place undue pressure on a single route and, due to its relative inconvenience for parts of the site, it will promote vehicle movements that would otherwise be unnecessary. Consequently, in its current form, the proposed development would give rise to additional hazards on the existing highway network and would fail to deliver the sustainability objectives established by the Local Plan allocation.”

Furthermore,  as yet there has not been adherence to the following Local Plan statement;

“Provide greater opportunities to reduce car use; improve safety; ensure convenient and appropriate public transport services; and seek greater network efficiency for pedestrians, cyclists and equestrians.”

Dates for your diaries……

Don’t forget the two meetings at the Town Hall, Bridport on Friday 6th November (17.00 to 19.00) and Saturday 7th November (10.00 to 15.00), to discuss the Neighbourhood Plan. Steering Group representatives will display information on the working groups.

Monday 9th November (at 19.00), Bridport Town Hall to discuss the Hallam Land Group planning application.


Hallam Land have now submitted their application for Outline Planning Permission . It will be considered by WDDC in January.

However there is an important meeting of the Plans Committee of Bridport Town Council . This will be held at the Town Hall at 7.00 on Monday 9th November . There will be an opportunity at the start for members of the Public to speak.

If you wish to speak  phone to request a slot 01308 456722

It is really important we get a good turnout here. BTC would like to see a strong presence . With organisations such as Highways England, Environment Agency and CPRE all raising significant objections to outline planning permission we are not alone and need to give every encouragement to BTC to reject the plan.

Please forward to anyone else you think would be interested .

ADVEARSE tell it as it is……..

My letter in this weeks View from Bridport….

Please feel free to write into the paper next week and endorse it !

“In light of last weeks West Dorset planning meeting, councillors were given a briefing on the Vearse Farm application for guidance when it comes before committee next year

We at ADVEARSE are totally in agreement for promoting the allocation of building land in Bridport and its environs for low-cost housing. We do however, object to an additional tranche (65% or greater) of higher cost, market driven housing, typically 500 dwellings on Vearse Farm if approval is granted.

The demographic for this area is currently skewed , in that the majority of residents are at the higher end of the age spectrum. Any development in Bridport and the outlying villages needs to redress this balance and encourage less fortunate and younger members of our society, gaining the option of ascending the housing ladder. This will only be achieved by implementing low-cost housing.

We were very concerned that the Hallam Land Group have implied that the allocation of 260 affordable homes, 35% (or less) of the total build of 760 would be assessed on the basis of viability as reported in your paper previously. Originally, the Local Plan indicated that a minimum of 35% affordable’s would have been mandatory. This was changed by removal of the word minimum, after the Inspector, Paul Crysell had published his comments recently, as part of the Main Modifications of the Local Plan.

We are totally committed to the campaign that the current aforementioned size and positioning of the Vearse Farm development as proposed, is undesirable to Bridport. Furthermore, its effect on the environment, road infrastructure and culture etc. are detrimental to the locale.

These criteria will all be seriously considered, and alternative options sought accordingly, as the local Neighbourhood Plan (Vision 2030) develops and is delivered, over the next fifteen months.

We feel it is of significant importance that like-minded residents register their lack of support of this development accordingly, using the link…….


The closing date being, 27th October 2015.”

Richard Freer

Campaign Site