ADVEARSE had an online meeting with the developers Barratts/Vistry (B/V) on 13 June. Notes of meeting set out below. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. A further update on the planning application will follow shortly.
Notes of meeting B/V and Advearse – 13 June 2022
- Attendees – DM (B/V) KP (Vistry) BB (Advearse)
- Update from B/V – DM used a presentation to outline the changes which have been made in the revised submission and the current timescales. The notes below refer to the key points which emerged. The enclosed drawings though were presented to the Town Council working group and relevant drawings issued to them.
- Planning Process
- B/V hope that the revised plans will be heard at the 4th of August Planning Committee. With delays and cost inflation B/V maintain the desires, principles and delivery of the extras and scheme itself but must have a delivery format in terms of a planning permission so the 4th is key to them and that is the target and PPA programme.
- Ongoing and extensive detail has occurred with the Planning team
- There will be a 3-week planning consultation (statutory timescale). BB expressed concern that public may not yet be aware. ADVEARSE will promote via website.
- B/V have details on the Foundry Lea portal and ADVEARSE will provide their own link.
- ADVEARSE will urge DC to promote the consultation period.
- B/V remain open for suggestions from the local community and ADVEARSE happy to be a conduit for these.
- Design
- B/V have submitted the revised design code which have now been approved in principle by DC – this being one of the conditions of the outline planning consent. The new designs do reflect the vernacular street designs in Bridport in terms of styles of building, details e.g., door arches, building materials, roof heights. These particularly provide the aspects on the main routes through the estate and further design work to ‘soften’ the views and create areas more of a rural edge (e.g. around Vearse Farm itself) has been put in place.
- Areas around the listed building have become more of a ‘farmstead’ feel
- 3 character areas / styles have been created.
- B/V see these as improved and ADVEARSE accept that they do reflect the varied architectural styles in the town.
- Housing
- Unit numbers stay the same
- Affordables – the full 35% requirement will be met plus an additional 37. A contract is in place with the Housing Association for the Vistry affordable housing totalling 122 units.
- Sustainability
- Overall, B/V are facing having to plan for 3 types of building regulations – present ones, new ones already agreed, the future regulations from 2025 which have yet to be determined . B/V’s strategy remains ‘Fabric First’ i.e., high degree of insulation.
- Car charging points to be included with plots
- On development communal car charging remains – both these will be looked after by the residents management company / relevant provider.
- Bike hub- have been allowed for and B/V working with Town Council to identify parking hubs in town so they are integrated.
- Trying to avoid using gas at any stage but the physical grid infrastructure and supply of technology at scale plus the cost of the upgrade to the Bridport electricity supply is a concern they are trying to address if possible. Cost and delivery to be confirmed.
- Miles Cross
- Highways England have given technical approval to the design
- DC yet to approve and are being notably chased as the present hold up.
- B/V will go to tender once Planning Permission is granted – tender and approved HE contractors prepared –
- Letter to the MP to be written by B/V
- Aim for October start and 26-week build
- Sewage and Flooding
- B/V acknowledge concerns in the community.
- Wessex Water are working with the B/V following formal requests and payments from B/V to agree delivery and improvement works.
- B/V will provide a formal update and note at the planning committee
- Sports pitches and facilities
- In the plans as per Sports England requirements.
- B/V have extended at B/V cost the changing building to now include a kitchen and covered terrace to give opportunities for clubs/organisations to raise income at the request of the authority (Sport England)
- BB not convinced that this was tied into to a strategic view of the facilities in Bridport. This is not B/V’s fault, but it needs addressing as it would be a shame not to coordinate properly.
- B/V expressed they did not want nor feel reasonable to have an objection from Sports England but committed as above to further post approval conversation
- Employment Land
- B/V -will as per agreement provide the services up to the Colfox land.
- Colfox talks of commercial interest but details not made available at this stage. B/V are confident that the employment land will come forward and have a good relationship with the agent but it is not in their control.
- Colfox aware of the issue and S106 obligations. He has expressed via his retained agent to fully comply and has expressed buy-in to the ideology and delivery.
- B/V maintain they want to see the commercial come forward for community benefit.
- Local working Group
- B/V happy if a ADVEARSE rep joins the group.
- B/V envisage this group continuing to advise on the project as it evolves in the build stages.
- Ongoing dialogue
- B/V and ADVEARSE reiterated the value in a continuing dialogue and an open constructive relationship.
- ADVEARSE had prepared a position statement ready for a planning hearing in say March. They will now prepare one to reflect the revised plans .
Barry Bates 14 June 2022