The vote on the Neighbourhood plan is on 27 February and is an opportunity to have a say on the future of Bridport. Below is the text of an email from the Bridport Town Clerk giving some information that will be helpful. Please feel free to share this information.
Early feedback from coverage of the Neighbourhood Plan referendum suggests that a lot of people are engaged (which is great!) but may not be able for a number of reasons to absorb the entire 106-page document.
In response, David has produced a summary guide to the Plan, and a narrated video summary. Both are available from the main NP page at
Hard copies of the summary guide are available from the Town Council on request, although naturally we’d encourage people not to ask unless they are unable to access the website version.
Many thanks to David for reacting so quickly to the significant number of requests for these summaries.
Please share this information via your own networks. I have shared the summaries on the ‘Bridport Banter’ and ‘Bridport Notice’ Facebook pages, with a combined following of almost 24,000 people.
I’m sure also you’ll be aware by now that both poll cards and the NP leaflet are dropping through letter boxes this week. The Bridport News also produced a helpful two-page spread last week, which is reproduced online at