Dorset Council have produced a draft Local Plan containing proposals for guiding future development in the Dorset Council area up to 2038. Advearse will be commenting on this plan and we will share our views on this website when completed. The deadline for comments is 15 March 2021.
Dorset Council comment: “The plan outlines the strategy for meeting the needs of the area such as housing, employment, and community services including schools, retail, leisure and community facilities. The plan directs development to the most suitable locations near to existing facilities, and detailed policies promote high quality development that respects and enhances the character of each area. The plan also protects Dorset’s natural environment and contributes towards the mitigation and adaptation to climate change.”
The link for the Local Plan is:
The draft Local Plan includes further 170 houses being sited on Vearse Farm. This will increase the already approved 760 houses up to 930 houses. It is now painfully clear that having got the 760 houses plan approved Dorset Council will continue to add to this Bridport Urban extension.
It is vital that we all take the opportunity to let Dorset Council know our views on this part of the Local Plan. Once the Local Plan is finalised and approved by the inspector then it will be extremely difficult to stop the expanded VF from receiving outline planning permission.