We have been asked by a number of residents for our views on the proposed changes to the plans for Vearse Farm as publicised in last week’s Bridport News… The proposed changes are minor in themselves but we have urged the Council to hold the developers to the agreed plans .There are many examples nationally where developers, having obtained planning permission manipulate, the plans by for example reducing the amount of affordable houses.. The applicants were aware of the 106 conditions when they signed the Legal Agreement in May 2019 and the Council should signal to the developers, they intend to hold them to the commitments made in full.
We would also point out that if the access road nearer town and related footpaths and cycleways are not built until 300 houses are occupied then traffic will increase significantly along West Road and the narrow pavements will present increased dangers to pedestrians.
The request to changes the plans for access should, however, be taken as an opportunity by Dorset Council to address the failure of the previous West Dorset Council when considering the original application. The proposed change is about access ONTO the site. We have always argued that the plans should have also considered access into town. We need a new traffic assessment because the one at the time of the original planning permission has serious errors e.g. in underestimating traffic flows at the North Allington roundabout and overestimating the width of pavements on West Road.,
Local people still have many concerns about the impact of Vearse Farm on the town. We urge our local representatives to take this opportunity to address those related to traffic and access in a more holistic way.