Below are just a sample of the comments left on Crowdfunder by our supporters. Thanks you so much for your pledges and support!
All the comments are heartfelt and explain exactly why the massive Vearse Farm urbanisation will be a disaster for Bridport and the AONB land countrywide!
“Bridport is unique”
“Let’s hope we can stop this monstrous carbuncle of a development”
“Advearse have already pointed out that there are plenty of brownfield sites in the area that could be developed in preference to despoiling this AONB, and this should be taken on board by the planning authorities.”
“Unspoilt beauty. AONB…..what is the point of the status when such a large building plan can go ahead.”
“Too many expensive houses and second homes when we should be building affordable houses. Dorset is under threat from developers.”
“I know more housing is needed, but this development is unacceptable by any standards. At a time when the environment is at the forefront of the news, it is frankly outrageous.”
“We need to protect our countryside from irresponsible planners. Remember Rampisham.”
“This is a prime example of why Dorset needs National Park status!”
“This sort of over development must be stopped!”
“Not NIMBYism, I would support brownfield site development in the area, but this is a truly beautiful area”
Important to respect the quality and character of all of Dorset’s countryside and communities by promoting appropriate development where this is needed, including making use of brownfield land first.
“Affordable housing for local people is essential but this development will not provide that. It has the potential to ruin our beautiful countryside and the charm of the town itself. The roads surrounding Bridport are already full to capacity in the summer months. It does not feel like a positive development for Bridport.”
“It is so important that the AONB should not be breached for the benefit of developers.”
“Support this case to stop massive luxury housing estates on AONB land that rural people can’t afford. We want houses for local need not developer greed.”
“Lets save Bridport and the AONB everywhere!”
We’ll put more comments up soon…..maybe even the ones that say what people really think of our County Council planning department!!