The size of this proposal is out of scale with the Market Town of Bridport and would change its character irrevocably. The local infrastructure cannot cope with the number of proposed houses. The council has to be reminded that they have been elected to look after our interests, not their own
The size of this proposal is out of scale with the Market Town of Bridport, the local infrastructure cannot cope with the number of proposed houses. any new houses should be affordable & distributed within the district for local people not for the rich retired who will inevitably be the intended market.
Bridport is a small market town, the large development will be on prime agricultural land, changing the character of the town and not serving the housing needs of local people.
This is a ludicrous idea that should be challenged at every level. We do not have the travel infrastructure as anyone attempting to traverse the South Coast in the summer will testify, and in the winter the properties will be full of water. As someone stated this site was dismissed by DCC for a school. Talking of schools, do we think Symondsbury or any of the other local schools can accommodate such a huge influx? If any houses are built they Must be for local people only.
One of the reasons given by DCC for not relocating Mountjoy School here was the flood risk! This development is far too big and the houses are largely not going to benefit local people in need of affordable housing !
This seems to be far too big an addition, by proportion, to a small town.