ADVEARSE would like to thank the residents of Westmead and the adjacent Lodge Lane estate for their many kind donations which will allow the organisation to publicise the concerns which many in the community share about the large scale development proposed for Vearse Farm. A spokesperson for the group said ‘ it is several years since the plans were first announced and we are aware that at some point the West Dorset Planning Committee will be deciding on outline planning permission. We see the need to remind people of the real implications for the town as a whole and to encourage to express their views to the planners. We are grateful for the extra funds which enable us to carry out this vital work.’
ADVEARSE continues to support the development of a Neighbourhood Plan with a more sustainable development of the town with a mix of housing to meet local housing needs.
This message can also be found on ADVEARSE’s Facebook page
If you would like to add support and submit a donation to our cause, please either forward a payment to our bank……
Co-op Bank account name; ADVEARSE
Sort code; 08-92-99
Account no; 65729588
or by cheque payable to; ADVEARSE
and then post to…
3, Watton View,
Bridport, Dorset,
Many thanks in anticipation.
ADVEARSE Campaign Group