ADVEARSE proposals at last night’s Town Council meeting

Here is a synopsis of what was discussed at last night’s meeting.

The most significant development was that Town Clerk, Bob Gillis informed the meeting that a decision from WDDC is due on Friday 29th September, as to confirm the date of the outline planning meeting. Perhaps delaying by another week to the 19th October, if it requires 3 weeks notice !?

Based on my italicised speech that follows Cllr. Sara Williams suggested that we garnered support ourselves, by contacting the other councillors cited in my speech !

Subsequently, we ADVEARSE attendees discussed this and felt this should be the responsibility of our elected Town Council representatives to achieve this aim, not us.

    If anyone reading this wishes to contact any of our local councillors independently please email whereby we will furnish you with relevant addresses !
    Speech for outline planning meeting with Bridport Town Council 25th September 2017

Regarding the imminent Vearse Farm outline planning meeting to be held on 12th October, in Dorchester, I as a representative of ADVEARSE, ask that the relevant Bridport Town councillors (typically those here this evening) and West Dorset District Councillors representing Bridport and Symondsbury please liase/ally with the ADVEARSE campaign Group on this issue.

Over the past four years ADVEARSE have compiled a plethora of information on housing, flood-risk and traffic issues. We would therefore be delighted to convey this information to Town Councillors some of whom are also District Councillors and who are intending to speak at the aforementioned meeting in October.

We ask this because….

· We residents are only allowed 3minutes during the initial democratic session, thus it is very limiting !

· WDD councillors could speak additionally on our behalf with issues that are common to both parties, and without a time limit !

· We feel that this proposed outline plan is in fact a holistic issue, not just relating to vehicular access (to which the Town Council have objected) but also to its importance to cite additionally the lack of potential low-cost housing, flood-risk issues and more recently discovered, it would not be in the spirit of the Equalities Act 2010, limiting the mobility of the disabled.

· Unfortunately, our Group numbers will be depleted on the 12th October due to holiday and other commitments, thus limiting our ability to convey all of our objections in depth.

Could we therefore ask that the Town Council canvass the elected, representative Bridport District Councillors; Brown, Coatsworth, Day, Kayes and David Rickard, to please support this common planning objection and voice their disapproval on 12th October. Failing that, would they please publicly convey why they’ve taken the opposite stance, and have agreed with the planning application ?

Furthermore, perhaps more importantly at that meeting, in the addition of a recorded vote being implemented, we ask that Councillors Frances McKenzie and Simon Christopher who represent Bridport and Symondsbury respectively, (the latter being the site of the proposed build) are asked to convey to all, why they’ve very likely voted to support the planning application ?

Thank you

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